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Maternity Services

Registering your Pregnancy with Cardiff and Vale UHB

Within the above webpage, there is a link that women can now use to easily fill in an online pregnancy booking form to register your pregnancy with the Cardiff & Vale UHB Maternity team 👶
If you have any difficulty in filling in this form, a member of staff from the surgery can help you, or call 02920 745030 to speak to a member of the maternity admin team.
Information on antenatal care, maternity appointments and community midwife information:


Ante Natal Care

Even though we are currently in Alert Level Zero, we are required to carry out specific coronavirus risk assessments and take reasonable measures to make sure we minimise the risk of exposure to coronavirus within our hospital environment. Measures include wearing a mask at all times and maintaining physical distancing (keeping people two metres apart). Therefore we must maintain social distancing measures to keep visitors, their families and our staff safe.

Women can be supported by their birth partner at the following appointments:

  • 12 week dating and ultrasound scan
  • 20 week anomaly ultrasound scan
  • Attendance at Fetal Medicine Department
  • Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit

Maternity Services

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board provide a wide range of maternity services across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Our main services are located in University Hospital of Wales (UHW) with midwifery outpatient services available at University Hospital of Llandough  (UHL).

More than 5500 babies are born with us every year and our dedicated midwives, doctors, maternity care support workers and support staff are committed to giving you personalised care of the highest standard to enable a positive birth experience.

We have a range of birth choices available:

  • Midwifery Led within the University Hospital of Wales
  • Obstetric Led within the University Hospital of Wales
  • Homebirth


Labour and Post-delivery Care

All women who attend for a labour assessment will have the option of being accompanied by one birthing partner.

One birthing partner may be present through the duration of active labour and the immediate postnatal period.

If women are not in established labour on assessment but require or wish to be admitted for care on the antenatal ward, the birthing partner will be unable to remain with them. They will be able to return once the woman is in established labour.

Women attending for an outpatient induction of labour can be accompanied by their birth partner.

Women on First Floor Maternity, whether antenatal, postnatal or transitional care, will have the opportunity for daily visiting during a specified time period.

Whether in a side room or a bay, visiting will be for a maximum of one 2-hour period per day by 1 named birth partner (the same birth partner who was present during labour and birth if postnatal).

The standardised appointment times for visiting are:

  • 10:00-12:00 (odd numbered beds)
  • 14:00-16:00 (even numbered beds)

Women in single rooms can choose which 2-hour slot from the above, they wish their visitor to attend.


Maternity Visiting Guidance during COVID-19

We understand the importance of ensuring family and friends can visit their loved ones in hospital settings and the benefits this brings. In order to facilitate this, we are continuing to regularly review visiting arrangements based on risk assessments in line with Welsh Government advice. From April 2021, we were able to reintroduce some restricted visiting for birth partners in our maternity services.

COVID-19 infection in pregnancy carries a significantly higher risk of hospitalisation and severe illness when compared with the non-pregnant population, especially in the third trimester and brings a higher risk of preterm birth.

Birth partners are persons nominated by the woman to accompany her during labour and birth. They are not necessarily life partners, but may be other supportive persons such as a relative, friend or doula.

Essential support assistants are individuals required by women and pregnant people with specific additional support needs, e.g. a support worker or interpreter. Essential support assistants are not classed as visitors in the traditional sense. In some circumstances where a women or pregnant person usually receives care and support from a family member or partner they may nominate this person as their essential support assistant.
