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New Patients

Registration Procedure


Patients wishing to register must live within our catchment area. Our practice boundary is shown below:


If you are unable to register with our practice as your address falls outside of our catchment area, visit the NHS Wales Directory to find available GP surgeries in your area.  


Should you live within our area, and wish to register with the Practice, a registration procedure and questionnaire can be obtained directly from reception at our practice, or downloaded from here:


CMC - New Patient Registration Form

GMS1W Registration Form


Please follow the Registration procedures below:


  •  Complete The New Patient Registration Form (Questionnaire) and the GMS1W Registration Form. Both forms and Photo ID must be handed in to the practice so that your identity & the identity of family members who are also registering can be verified. Please do not email these forms to us - we will only process those forms that are handed in & only if Photo ID is also presented.
  • A copy of repeat prescription slip for your medications is required for our records.
  • Your NHS number: This is a 10-digit number, like 485 777 3456. You can find your NHS number on most documents or letters sent to you by the NHS such as prescriptions, hospital letters, appointments letters. If you are still not sure we would advise you to contact your previous practice for your unique NHS number. If you are registering a child it is very important that you provide a copy of the child's Red immunisation book

Once the above documents and completed forms have been provided to to the practice you will be offered a registration health check appointment (currently completed via telephone). 

Unfortunately there are circumstances which may result in a person being removed after registration and these are:

  • Violent/aggressive behaviour, both verbal and physical.
  • Damage to or theft from the practice premises.
  • Smoking or the consumption of alcohol/illicit drugs on the premises or attending in an inebriated state.
  • Recurrent non-attendance of appointments (including New Patient Health Check).
  • Any other behaviour that significantly affect the Doctor patient relationship.



