We encourage all patients to telephone the surgery as part of our Telephone Triage System. This can allow for rapid resolution of your problem, potentially without the need for you to come to the surgery.
Appointments for a telephone consultation must be arranged by calling the surgery between 8.00-10.30am. Your details and contact number will be confirmed and a member of the team will contact you via phone to resolve your problem remotely.
Our receptionists are unable to give a set time for when you will receive your call. It is important that you keep your phone free and available for your consultation. Please bear in mind that when we phone you, the call display will be 'Private Number' - this is for reasons of confidentiality. If we are unable to reach you on our first attempt, the clinician will try a second time but If they are still unable to make contact with you on their second attempt, this is classed as a missed appointment and you may be asked to re-book a telephone consultation for the following day.